• AHS Special Programs:


    Healthcare Science Internship (senior year)

    Attendance – no more than 10 absences (evaluated on an individual basis)

    Discipline – no suspension or In School Suspension  (evaluated on an individual basis)


    Senior Apprenticeship    

    Must be on track with all graduation requirements

    May be re-examined at the end of 1st semester to qualify for 2nd semester.

    Students must submit evidence of a minimum of 15 hours per grading period that reflects employment, volunteer work, community service, or civic involvement. 


    Work-Based Learning (Co-op) (Only available to 11th grade and 12th grade students.)

    • Students must have successfully completed Career Preparedness OR one class in any  Career/Tech pathway (AgriScience, Culinary, Health Science and Commerce & Information Technology)

    • No pattern of tardiness

    • No more than 10  excused absences in the previous year (hospitalization or surgery or catastrophic illness will be considered)

    • No more than 4 unexcused absences during the previous year

    • No in-school suspension during the previous school year

    • No out-of-school suspension during the previous school year

    • Three teacher recommendations from AHS academic faculty

    • Students must be on track to graduate. Grades will be considered only if necessary.

    • Final decision will be made by AHS Administration