- AHS Special Programs
AHS Special Programs:
Healthcare Science Internship (senior year)
Attendance – no more than 10 absences (evaluated on an individual basis)
Discipline – no suspension or In School Suspension (evaluated on an individual basis)
Senior Apprenticeship
Must be on track with all graduation requirements
May be re-examined at the end of 1st semester to qualify for 2nd semester.
Students must submit evidence of a minimum of 15 hours per grading period that reflects employment, volunteer work, community service, or civic involvement.
Work-Based Learning (Co-op) (Only available to 11th grade and 12th grade students.)
Students must have successfully completed Career Preparedness OR one class in any Career/Tech pathway (AgriScience, Culinary, Health Science and Commerce & Information Technology)
No pattern of tardiness
No more than 10 excused absences in the previous year (hospitalization or surgery or catastrophic illness will be considered)
No more than 4 unexcused absences during the previous year
No in-school suspension during the previous school year
No out-of-school suspension during the previous school year
Three teacher recommendations from AHS academic faculty
Students must be on track to graduate. Grades will be considered only if necessary.
Final decision will be made by AHS Administration