• Section 504

    Understanding Section 504

    Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is a federal law designed to protect the rights of individuals with disabilities in programs and activities that receive federal financial assistance, including public schools. This law ensures that students with disabilities have equal access to education and are not discriminated against due to their disabilities. 

    What is a 504 Plan?

    A 504 Plan is a formal plan developed by schools to give students with disabilities the support they need. Unlike an Individualized Education Program (IEP), which is tailored for students requiring special education services, a 504 plan is for students who need accommodations in their regular educational classes. These accommodations help remove barriers to learning and ensure students have the same educational opportunities as their peers.

    Eligibility for a 504 Plan

    To qualify for a 504 Plan, a student must have a disability that substantially limits one or more major life activities, such as learning, reading, communicating and thinking. Common conditions that might qualify for a 504 Plan include ADHD, diabetes, epilepsy and mobility impairments, among others. 

    Developing a 504 Plan

    The development of a 504 Plan involves collaboration between school staff, parents and the student (when appropriate). The process includes:

    1. Evaluation: The school evaluates the student to determine if they have a disability that qualifies under Section 504. 
    2. Team Meeting: A team, including parents, teachers and school administrators, meets to discuss the student's needs and develop the plan. 
    3. Plan Creation: The team outlines specific accommodations and support tailored to the student's needs. 

    Examples of 504 Accommodations include:

    • Classroom Adjustments: Preferential seating, additional time for tests or permission to record lectures. 
    • Testing Accommodations: Extended time on tests, taking exams in a quieter setting or using a computer for written responses.
    • Physical and Health Support: Access to the nurse's office, permission to eat snacks for medical reasons or modified physical education activities. 

    Rights and Responsibilities

    Under Section 504, students and their families have certain rights, including:

    • The right to a free and appropriate public education. 
    • The right to participate in and benefit from public school programs without discrimination. 
    • The right to be informed about decisions affecting their child's educational accommodations and services. 
    • The right to an impartial hearing if they disagree with the school's decisions.

    Requesting a 504 Plan

    If you believe your child may need a 504 Plan, start by contacting your child's teacher, school counselor or principal. You can request an evaluation to determine if your child qualifies for accommodations under Section 504.
